Indian actor Divya Bhatnagar, who became a household name after her role in hit TV serial ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’, died in Mumbai on December 7 due to complications that arose from COVID-19. She was 34 and was earlier on a ventilator.
According to news reports, Bhatnagar suffered from high blood pressure and was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai on November 26 when she contracted COVID-19.
Her condition worsened after a few days.
Bhatnagar’s mother told ‘India Today’ that her son and she had rushed to Mumbai from Delhi when they heard about her condition. Her daughter was critical.
As soon as the news of Bhatnagar’s demise emerged, her colleagues and actresses’ expressed their grief and condolences over social media.
Devoleena Bhattacharya was one of the first few friends and colleagues who expressed their shock.
“I know life was too hard on you … The pain is intolerable … But I know today you must be in a better place and free from all sorrows, pains, sadness, cheats, lies… I will miss you divu,” she wrote on her Instagram page.
Actress Shilpa Shirodhkar also tweeted that she was simply ‘heartbroken’ at the passing of her dearest friend.
Bhatnagar’s oxygen levels had dropped to serious lows, according to reports. She was also a part of serials including ‘Udaan’ and ‘Vish’.